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Design of highly sensitive and selective xylene gas sensor based on Ni-doped MoO3 nano-pompon


【作者】:Wenhao Jiang, Lingling Meng, Sufang Zhang, Xiaohong Chuai*, Zhijie Zhou, Changhua Hu, Peng Sun, Fangmeng Liu, Xu Yan, Geyu Lu*

【题目】:Design of highly sensitive and selective xylene gas sensor based on Ni-doped MoO3 nano-pompon

【关键词】:Gas sensor, MoO3 nano-pompons, Ni-doping, Xylene

【版面信息】:Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 299 (2019) 126888


MoO3gas-sensing materials with different Ni2+doping concentration were prepared by a simple one-step sol vothermal method. The phase structure, micro-structure and morphology of the as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and the transmission electron microscope (TEM) etc., respectively. The morphology can be changed by adjusting the doping concentration of Ni2+. Among them, the 5 mol% Ni-doped MoO3sample with a pompon-like morphology improved gas accessibility significantly. Prominently, the response of the sensors on xylene was increased 18 times from 3.48 to 62.6, the response time was about 1 s and the best selectivity was obtained at the optimum temperature of 250 °C. These breakthroughs are attributed to the increase of surface-active sites and the im provement of micro-morphology caused by Ni2+doping.

论文作者 Wenhao Jiang, Lingling Meng, Sufang Zhang, Xiaohong Chuai*, Zhijie Zhou, Changhua Hu, Peng Sun, Fangmeng Liu, Xu Yan, Geyu Lu* 论文关键词 Gas sensor, MoO3 nano-pompons, Ni-doping, Xylene
版面信息 Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 299 (2019) 126888

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