【作者】:Dai, J.; Wu, Z.; Li, D.; Peng, G.; Liu, G.; Zhou, R.; Wang, C.; Yan, X.; Liu, F.; Sun, P.; Zhou, J.; Lu, G.
【题目】:Super-resolution dynamic tracking of cellular lipid droplets employing with a photostable deep red fluorogenic probe.
【关键词】:Fluorescence imaging; Fluorescent probes; Lipid droplets; Live-cell imaging; Super-resolution imaging
【版面信息】: Biosens. Bioelectron. 2023, 229, 115243.
Lipid droplets (LDs) are critical organelles involved in many physiological processes in eukaryotic cells. To visualize and study LDs, particular the small/nascent LDs, the emerging super-resolution fluorescence imaging techniques with nanoscale resolution would be much more powerful in comparison to the conventional confocal/wide-field imaging techniques. However, directly limited by the availability of advanced LDs probes, super-resolution fluorescence imaging of LDs is a practically challenging task. In this context, a superior LDs fluorescent probe named Lipi-Deep Red is newly developed for structured illumination microscopy (SIM) super-resolution imaging. This fluorescent probe features with the advantages of strong deep red/NIR emission, fluorogenic character, high LDs specificity, and outstanding photostability. These advantages enable the fluorescent probe to be finely applied in SIM super-resolution imaging, e.g. time-lapse imaging (up to 1000 frames) to monitor the LDs dynamics at nanoscale (159nm), two-color time-lapse imaging to discover the nearby contact/interaction between LDs and mitochondria. Consequently, the fusion processes of LDs are impressively visualized at a high spatial and temporal resolution. Two kinds of contact models between LDs and mitochondria (dynamic contact and stable contact) newly proposed in the recent literatures are successfully revealed.